Types of Camera Shots & Angles in Film (Film Production)

Types of Camera Shots & Angles in Film - In this post I will be showing you guys different angles and shots that are generally used in film production with short description and images so you understand what they mean and where they are used.

So let's start:

1. Establishing Shot 

Everything begins with an establishing shot
Establishing shots are opening shots that establish film time and film location

2. Extreme Long & Wide Shot

It shows the setting of the film

3. Long Shot

It is generally used for introducing story characters and also for doing the initiation of the main actors in a scene (scenes like for dialogue, fight, romance, speech etc.)

4. Medium Long Shot

It is the bridge between long shot and mid shot, meaning that it connects both of these shots

It also sets emphasis on the main character and for doing continuous action scenes

5. Mid Shot

Mid shots are generally used for taking shots of important part of the dialogue or action

6. Mid Closeup Shot

These shots are used for showing expressions & emotions 

7. Closeup Shot

This shot adds intensity to the emotion

8. Extreme Closeup

This shot is used for connecting with the audience, showing effects of the previous action, showing impact and feeling of cringe.

9. Inserts (Cut In) Shot

This shot is used for adding details and emphasis to a particular object of focus, like reloading a gun or showing time in a watch.

10. POV (Point of View) Shot

POV Shot is an angle through which the character is looking at, like through the actor's own eyes. 


1. Low Angle

Low Angle Mid Shot

Low Angle Long Shot

2. Top Angle 

Top Angles are usually used for showing intimidation or showing distress



3. Dutch (Canted, or Oblique) Angle

Generally used in action, horror, thriller and crime films and is used to show feeling of unrest, anxiety, madness or disorientation. 


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