What is News Room, Output Desk & Input Desk - Importance of News Room

 What is News Room, Output Desk & Input Desk - Importance of News Room


The place where journalists, producers, editors and other stuff work together to gather or collect news that is published in newspapers, online articles, magazines, or is broadcasted on radio, television is a News Room. 

It consists of two types:-

1. Output Desk (News Desk)

2. Input Desk (Assignment Desk)


1. It is also known as News Desk

2. All the desk-oriented job descriptions such as related to computer are part of this outlet.

3. It helps in the development of the news.

4. It includes the department known as “run-down”. 

5. This desk researches, create productions and help in deciding news priorities



- A rundown is a timeline or playbook for a radio or live TV show

- ​ It is the blueprint of ideas/information on which a specific show is decided.

- ​ It is made by run-down producers. Person controlling the rundown in PCR is designated as output editor.

- There are two versions of rundowns: a general rundown that is for the show altogether and a specific rundown for a single edition that is created day by day. It depends on the content that is to be featured. 

​ 2. TICKER: ​ ​

- It is an electronic display of news headlines that scrolls on its own and it displays on a building or the bottom of a computer or TV screen.

- On a news channel it is the bottom most strip that flashes news updates. ​ ​

-  It is often done while editing and Character Generator on Live news. They can 2-3 days old.

3. Planning/prep:​

- ​ This is a function to be performed at the stage of pre-production.​ ​

- Planning includes assigning duties, as to who is responsible for which output. Which stories are on priority? Deciding the deadlines accordingly.​ 

-​ It is a part of ‘pre-production’ stage, without which there is no organization and everything will be staggered if this is not done in time.​ ​

- It has to be done on yearly basis to set the agendas of the channel, every month, week, day and hour.


- In scripting you basically need to cover all the facts in a strict sense and it should be structural. 

- As a certain pattern is followed in scripting, it is predictable.

- It includes 5W and 1H factor. 5Ws are Who, What, Where, When and Why. 1H is How. 

5. Video editing - ​ ​

- This is a function of ‘post-production’​ ​ 

- Video editing is basically a process in which we are rearranging and manipulating video shots to create a desired movie or video clip. 

 Some of the major aspects of video editing are- ​ 

Remove unwanted footage​ 

Choose the best footage​

 Create a flow

​ Add effects, graphics, music, etc​

 Alter the style, pace or mood of the video​ 

Give the video a particular "angle

6. Graphics-​

 ​ Graphics are the additional characters that are used to enhance the importance of any story or to add readable content for clarity​ ​ 

These are computer software generated. ​

 ​ . Some of the examples include ​ 

The channel logo, ​ The ticker with news headlines at the bottom of the screen, The transition effects used to change from one story to another.​


- Input Desk is also known as “Assignment Desk”.​ 

​- This section in TV newsroom refers to all the news that is gathered and put together for the day’s broadcasts.​ ​ 

- In these duties, as per skill and speciality are allotted to all the members in the newsroom.​ 

​- This desk assigns works to reporters, discuss ideas and follow up the story.​


1. News Gathering 

News Gathering is basically the process in which we gather information and facts from various sources to create news stories. 

News Gathering for TV - Electronic news-gathering 

- Electronic News Gathering or ENG is a broadcasting industry description of TV producers, editors and reporters that make use of electronic audio and video technologies to gather and present news. 

- Digital Satellite News Gathering or DSNG is the vehicle on which the electronic equipment is fitted. 

2. Phono-​ 

-​ A phono is a phone call, interaction or interview that is done between the studio and the personnel on location on in field. ​ ​ 

- This can be done between the channel and a reporter/ correspondent or the channel and guests.​ ​ 

There are 2 types of Phonos: ​ ​ 1) Live Phonos​ ​and​ 2) Recorded Phonos

 3. Live News/ chats- ​ ​

- The news that is telecasted or reported as in when recorded is LIVE news.

- ​ Recorded live chats are also known as SIMSATS (Simulated satellite). ​ 

-​ SIMSAT (Simulated Satellite) It is when a news anchor or news director interviews and records a guest via satellite before the news is on air, and then goes through the motions of asking those same questions on the live telecast.

4. Guest coordination: 

The process and responsibility to contact and get in touch with guests, such as, experts, people of prominence, people in authority or the stories and anyone in connection with it. ​ ​

 The process of organising who and what time will a guest will called in for a panel discussion or a talk show is called guest coordination.​ ​

 5. Forward Plan:

 Planning for the future shows. This kind of planning is done at multi levels. ​ ​ Planning for the year ahead for all the events, festivals etc. Planning and setting the agenda for every year, month and week. ​ ​ . 

The channel fixes a certain plan that is used as skeleton for the year round news coverage. Officials are accordingly allotted for organised output.

6.Day plan- ​ ​

- Planning at the level of every day. ​ 

​- An aim/goal is set for everyday. A schedule is prepared for how many shows and what shows are to be prepared and broadcasted in the entire day.​ ​

- Decision on what are the main stories and the extent of their coverage is taken as per requirement or as seen fit.


​ ​Backroom researchers collect background information.​ ​ 

They are divided into 3 divisions: ​ ​ 

1) Main research Desk ​

 2) Archiving ​ 

3) Library Videos ​ ​ 

Main research Desk: It deals with all information and news needed for filing. 

​ Archiving: Provide background information by old paper clips, social media etc. ​

 Library Videos: They help in adding quantity to the story by providing good visuals.


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