Study Notes for Print Journalism & Mass Communication Theories (BJMC)

Study Notes for Print Journalism & Mass Communication

Some topics will be discussed by me here, not in detail or briefly explained but concept wise as study notes for examinations/tests of BJMC students. So let's begin!

Q1 - What is Mass Communication?
Mass Communication: Mass Comm is sending messages to a large number of people by various means like newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, internet etc.

Q2 - What is Print Media?
Print Media: It is part of Mass Media (Mass Communication) where communication to large number of people is done by printed means like newspapers, magazines, journals, holdings, banners, billboards etc.

Q3 - What is Print Journalism?
Print Journalism is the profession of Print Media where gathering, editing and reporting of news and events is done on printed means and then presented to large masses of people.

Q4 - What is Feature Writing?
Feature Writing is writing about a feature story that is quite different from a general story. The writer has freedom in expressing their views and emotions and is part of Soft News rather than Hard News. It's longer than a general news story and is more detailed with background information and extensive research. It catches the interest of the users reading it.

Q5 - What is a News Beat?
A News Beat is a subject or field in reporting of news and events that a reporter covers. Reporters are assigned to cover and report these beats and there are many types of beats like: Business, Sports, Politics, Entertainment, International, Health, Real Estate, Crime, Regional, Education, Technology, Spirituality, Horoscopes, Court/Legal, Comic Strips and Crossword Puzzles, Travel, Environment and more.

Q6 - Mention some Qualities of a Journalist.
Qualities of a Journalist are:
- News Sense
- Clarity and Objectives
- Accuracy,
- Integrity
- Wordsmith
- Unbiased
- Farsightedness
- Composed and Calm
- Fearless and Friendly
- Skepticism
- Alertness/Nose for News

Q7 - Mention the Departments of the Newspaper.
- Editorial Department
- Circulation Department
- Marketing Department
- Printing Department
- HR Department
- IT Department

Q8 - What is Communication?
Communication is sending a message from one person or group to another through a medium. The message can be ideas, emotions, feelings, thoughts etc. Medium can be interpersonal, means between two people or with groups, or it can be communicated on and through TV, Phone, Internet, Newspaper etc.

Q9 - What are the functions of Mass Media?
- To provide Information
- Entertainment
- News and Events

Q10 - Who is the Father of Mass Communication?
Wilbur Schramm is the father of Mass Communication.

Q11 - What is an Inverted Pyramid Format?
It's a news format or structure by which the news articles are written. It's shaped like an inverted pyramid, that's how it got it's name. It is divided into 3 parts, the top part has Lead, middle has Body and the bottom has Tail. Lead is the beginning paragraph of the news story, Body has background information about the news story and the tail is the conclusion of the news story.

Q12 - What is News?
News is anything happening around us. It may be events, issues, facts etc. that interests people and people want to know about it. Not everything happening can be considered news. There are certain elements that makes news, newsworthiness. There's a popular saying that "When a dog bites a man that is not news, but when a man bites a dog that is news".



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