Berlo's Model of Communication (SMCR Model) - Communication Models

Berlo's Model of Communication (SMCR Model) - Communication Models

Berlo's SMCR Model of Communication was proposed in 1960 by David Berlo and describes the communication process in it's most basic form. It has four communication components in it which are Sender, Message, Channel and Receiver. The components are affected by various factors and that's how the communication process is done. Encoding and Decoding of message is also done in this type of model. The four components defined are:


Sender is the person or the source that sends the message to the receiver. It's the place from which the communication process starts or originates. There are multiple factors which affect the Sender and they are:

Communication Skills: One of the most important factor, if the person who sends the message has good communication skills then the message will be communicated better than if the person doesn't have good communication skills. Good communication skills include speaking, presenting, talking, writing, listening skills etc.

Attitude: It also plays an important role. If the attitude of the sender towards the environment and to self, audience and receiver is positive then the message will be communicated better.

Knowledge: How much knowledge the sender has about the topic of the message he/she is sending also plays an important role. Good knowledge means better content of the message and accurate information.

Culture: Differences in culture makes the message being interpreted differently. A person of one culture may not agree with something the person of other culture may agree to. This should be kept in mind.

Social Systems: Various social systems like religion, beliefs and it's values influences the way in which the message is communicated by the Sender with the message. Places and different situations also comes under this factor.


Message is the second component of Berlo's SMCR model. As the word says itself, Message is the content or piece of information that is being sent to the receiver by the Sender. It can be verbal, written, graphical or recorded as audio, video or other form of media. Message should always be properly communicated to the receiver and in the most accurate way. It also depends on the receiver on how he/she understands the message. Multiple factors influenced by Message are:

Code: It's the form in which the message is being communicated or sent. It includes text, video, language, audio, gestures, etc. Generally we take text or audio more often as the code in a message.

Structure: It's the way in which the message is structured, or defined or arranged. Properly structured message is more understandable and effective than a poorly structured message. It can also confuse the receiver and hence poor communication will happen and the message will not be properly understood.

Content: The thing that is in the message is called Content. It is basically the entire message from beginning to the end.

Treatment: It's the way in which the message is being sent to the receiver by the sender. If the message is treated nicely, it will have a positive feedback from the receiver as the message is properly conveyed.

Elements: Things like gestures, signs, etc. which are non verbal that go along with the content are called Elements. It influences the message and how it is sent.


Channel is another important component of Berlo's SMCR model and it is the medium through which the message is sent by the Sender to the Receiver. It's through which the message travels and then is sent to the receiver. Here in SMCR model we take 5 senses of a human being as the channel for communication. Other channel for communication in technical machines are smartphone, telephone, internet, television, etc. but we take five senses of a human being here.
They are:

Hearing: Message that we get by hearing. This includes when someone talks to us or a lot of people do.
Tasting: Message can also be in the form of taste
Smelling: We can get message by smelling like if there's something burning around us then can get to know about it by smelling and then taking an action
Touching: Non verbal form of communication is taken here like tapping on the shoulders or holding hands etc.
Seeing: Message we get by seeing around us. This includes non verbal messages too like sign languages.


Receiver is the person who receives the message that is sent by the Sender in the form of message and transmitted through a channel. The entire process of communication is completed when the receiver receives the message that is being sent. The receiver must have proper listening and understanding skills in order to properly get the conveyed message else the communication will not be effective.

Berlo's Model of Communication works in the thinking that both the Sender and Receiver has similar thinking patterns. It does not talk about any barriers that may cause disruption of the message during the communication process. It is also a linear process and not a two way communication. Feedback is something that is not also talked about in this model of communication. It also depends on the receiver on how he/she decodes the message, as said this model works in thinking that both sender and receiver have similar thinking patterns but in real world it does not happen. These are some of the criticisms this model has got.

Berlo's Model of Communication is a communication process in it's simplest form.


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