Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication - Communication Models

Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication

This model of communication was proposed in 1948 by Shannon (Electrical engineer and American mathematician) and Weaver who was an American Scientist. They both together wrote an article called as "A Mathematical Theory of Communication", more popularly known as the "Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication".

There are 5 concepts in this model of communication:
* Sender is the person who sends the message, basically the source of the message
* Encoder is the person or transmitter who uses technical machines to convert the message into binary data or signals
* Decoder is the place where signals or binary data is converted back into message. It is the opposite of Encoder
* Receiver is the person who gets the message sent by sender
* Noise: Physical disturbances caused in environment like crowd noise, horns, thunder etc. or disturbances caused during transmission process.

This model was designed for effective communication between sender and receiver and factors like Noise was also taken. So this concept helped in more effective communication by removing the noise or the problems that cause it during the communication between sender and receiver. This model of communication is more technical than the other models of communication.
However, it's been criticized that this model of communication is more effective between person-to-person rather than a group of people or mass audience. Receiver plays a passive role in this model as the primary role is taken by the sender here who sends the message.


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