Discussion about Population Control Between Student & Teacher

Discussion about Population Control Between Student & Teacher. These are the views of a student and a teacher discussing about population control in co-relation with poor households and wealthy households.

STUDENT: Poverty is one of the most severe issues, not only in our country but all around the world. And hence we need to start from somewhere, giving examples of how every country having a terrible phase is not a solution clearly. The simple underlying division in between rich people having 5 kids not questioned and poor people or below poverty line people have 5 kids, is that, one can afford a sustainable life and the other can't, also the concept of safe sex after marriage is completely debarred, so that is the common factor bringing communities together. Due to less knowledge, such communities or particularly communities under the poverty line, do not bother to have safe sex has clearly not important as one is married and hence after having 6 kids, they responsibly put them into child labor, as how to afford the living of so many people. These kids aged 11 12 years old put into child labor since they're maybe 6? Is that how it is supposed to be. I think not, hence, we need to start from somewhere and ask the relevant questions. Thank you. 

TEACHER: True, they are mouths to feed. But in poor households the logic of having more children is two fold. First because they are not certain that all will survive and second that they can earn money for the family. Situation is not same in rich households where people have more children just to have a large family which means company. My grandfather had so far as I know as many as ten children from two wives of whom six survived (luckily including my father or I may not have been around to say all this). But I am strongly of the opinion that procreation is a natural process and should not be interfered with. China is the example. In India efforts of the government to limit family size by forced sterilization led to a lot of unrest and was eventually given up in favour of the voluntary approach. Everyone who can have children is old enough to decide on his or her own.  


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