Tips for a student doing BJMC course (Media Students Tips)

Tips for a student doing BJMC course (Media Students Tips)

Hey! If you are here I suppose you are a BJMC student and looking for some tips to apply while you are doing this amazing course. I am a Media student myself too and I have completed one year so far doing BJMC, learned a lot of things so here are some of the tips:

* Stay updated with what is happening around the world. This one is very obvious I know, but if you are a Media student and you don't know what is actually going on around you then it's not so good. You can watch news on TV or if you don't like that you can download a news app on your phone and read daily headlines, or just a google search can do wonders. Even reading headlines about what's happening in your country and the world is more than enough for starting.

* Use Twitter for knowing more about what's happening. I think it's one of the most useful and best social media sites available. You can use Twitter to know about current trends happening around in your country and the world and you can filter it with Politics, Entertainment, Sports, Fun, Other News etc. Twitter also tells about trending hashtags which has stories of their own. It's pretty useful and once you follow the right people or accounts, it is fun too. Getting engaged in the moments is amazing on its own.

* Stay updated with major events going on, like currently it is the Covid-19 Pandemic. Coronavirus has changed the world and it is literally the most important thing in the world going on right now. Recently Black Lives Matter moment was trending too and on a very large scale with mass protests and moments. Know what they are about.

* Improve your skills on various media related platforms/software. Learn about Photoshop, Cinema 4D, Adobe Premiere, InDesign, Sony Vegas, Illustrator, Corel Draw, After Effects etc. You don't need to master them but know how they work and have basic understanding. Trust me it will be very useful for you later.

* Use those learned skills to create content. Participate in clubs or events and work for them. It is usually free but you can get paid too for your skills. The more you create, the more you learn and you get better. Media isn't all about news you know.

* Learn how to use Cameras, do Photography in your free time and record videos using proper techniques. Play with them, create different types of effects.

* In your free time watch Webinars and other free events happening online regarding media. Watch them and learn from it, learn more than you learn in college or by yourself. There is so much to learn and explore.

* Create blogs, websites and social media pages. Grow them, create fan following and learn how you can make money by it. Learn about Digital Marketing and how Google Adsense pays you money for ads on your sites. All of this can be found online free of cost.

* Revise what you learn in your class lectures and given in assignments, they are very useful for you. Don't think of them as some kind of burden or call them boring lectures. Think the different way, they will make your life.

* Work on your self created projects, try to make something big media related. In your free time you can even do news anchoring by yourself with camera, and playing with video editing software. Or try to write quality articles about various topics or news going on around the world. Be your own reporter and editor.

* Try to participate in clubs and communities in your college or even out of college. Work with them, learn with them and improve your soft skills, leadership skills and other skills. 

* Create contacts and network with them. The more people you will know, they better it will be for you. Even during college time and after college when you will work. For a media person, having a good network is very important and useful.

That's it for now, I will add more over time. The more you will experience, the better you will get. It is like a game, you want to win right? This is life. 


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