Newspaper Production - How it's BASICALLY done

Newspaper Production - How it's BASICALLY done. Ever wondered how a newspaper that you read is made?
It goes through a lot of process done by so many people before it reaches you on regular basis and even though it's getting less popular as other forms of media are taking over, particularly Digital Media. It is still made and read at a large number.

There is a quite huge production that is done for a newspaper and everything is well planned in advance so that the production goes smoothly and provide you the best filtered content.

Ofcourse the very first thing that is done for producing a newspaper is gathering of news and various newspaper happening around and it is done by various editors, photographers, interviewers, reporters, and other people. All the news gathered is reported to the newspaper agency and then rest of the process is made. News can be local, around state or nationwide and there are various newspapers too based on it. Like some newspapers deliver only local or state news while some provide news from all over the nation and some international news too.

The first thing that is put on the layout of the newspaper when the designing process begins is the placement of ads and even before that the marketing team does its job on getting requests from various advertisers for the placement of their ads. The advertisement staff sells the ads spaces to various businesses and that's how basically the newspaper earns its revenue from. Ads are local, statewide and nationwide too and they are filtered according to the audience the newspaper serves. Advertisers design their own ads according to the ad space they get and they are further verified and then the first thing that is done is the placement of various ads in the newspaper, it is done by the newspaper design and marketing team and is done digitally.

So after the ads are placed in the available ad spaces for the newspaper and they are properly designed, then the main thing starts and it is placing the news articles on the newspapers. Conferences are done by the editors and sub editors and they decide what should go on the newspaper for the day. The news articles are filtered, well edited and composed by the editors and it is designed digitally on the computer with all the ads and news articles by the designers. It takes quite a time and to speed up the process, lots of professional people are involved. The content is also checked and proof read by the editors to make sure there is not any spelling or grammatical mistake, repetition of content, improper alignment etc. So when the articles are decided, they are first put on a dummy page digitally along with the ads and the process is called page planning. It tells how the final newspaper will look like and if it goes good then the the printing process begins. Further editing and adjustment is done here.

Printing process is done in the printing shop which has lots of huge expensive machines that now are very technologically advanced and faster compared to the older times. They can print as much as 100,000 newspaper copies per hour. There are huge towers which has colors that are used for printing and they are mainly Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. Everything is done electronically. The digital images of the final newspaper layout with every content is loaded on the press machines and then they are started printing. Printing process starts by 1-2 AM usually after midnight. The machines do it's job on copying, folding separating, aligning newspapers etc. at a high speed. The stacking and bundling of the printed newspapers is done too and then they are ready for delivery after being sent out.

I have not gone into the core of newspaper production but all this still gets you an idea of the production.


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