What is News Room, Output Desk & Input Desk - Importance of News Room

What is News Room, Output Desk & Input Desk - Importance of News Room NEWS ROOM The place where journalists, producers, editors and other stuff work together to gather or collect news that is published in newspapers, online articles, magazines, or is broadcasted on radio, television is a News Room. It consists of two types:- 1. Output Desk (News Desk) 2. Input Desk (Assignment Desk) OUTPUT DESK 1. It is also known as News Desk 2. All the desk-oriented job descriptions such as related to computer are part of this outlet. 3. It helps in the development of the news. 4. It includes the department known as “run-down”. 5. This desk researches, create productions and help in deciding news priorities ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF OUTPUT DESK 1. RUNDOWN - A rundown is a timeline or playbook for a radio or live TV show - It is the blueprint of ideas/information on which a specific show is decided. - It is made by run-down producers. Person...