Tips for a student doing BJMC course (Media Students Tips)

Tips for a student doing BJMC course (Media Students Tips) Hey! If you are here I suppose you are a BJMC student and looking for some tips to apply while you are doing this amazing course. I am a Media student myself too and I have completed one year so far doing BJMC, learned a lot of things so here are some of the tips: * Stay updated with what is happening around the world. This one is very obvious I know, but if you are a Media student and you don't know what is actually going on around you then it's not so good. You can watch news on TV or if you don't like that you can download a news app on your phone and read daily headlines, or just a google search can do wonders. Even reading headlines about what's happening in your country and the world is more than enough for starting. * Use Twitter for knowing more about what's happening. I think it's one of the most useful and best social media sites available. You can use Twitter to know about current t...