Newsworthiness - What Elements Makes a Story News Worthy?

Newsworthiness - What Elements Makes a Story News Worthy? There are certain elements that makes a news story news worthy, that means something that people would love to know about and it interests them and impacts their life. Stories that are news worthy enough are only reported mainly in the newspaper (there may be some exceptions and it depends on the people reading it too). * Location is very important, something that is happening nearby will make a better news than something that is happening at other place, say another state or country. A person living in Delhi would love to know more about what's happening in Delhi than at Mumbai. It depends on the geographical area the audience is present at, that's why even national newspapers has separate sections for audience's city. It impacts the audience more and hence their reading interests. * Something that the audience is more familiar with will make a better news, like person, place or event than something it i...